Home Quotations are Free of Charge:
Please ensure that you understand that our advisors can arrive at any time during the “time slot” that you have booked and may not arrive at the beginning of the time slot, so please make sure you have sufficient time to discuss your requirements if they arrive near the end of the allotted time.
Our intention is to give you advice, a full cost of the work and items involved, However we reserve the right to send an itemised quotation at our own discretion.
Please ensure that you provide us with a contact number so that we can verify the appointment details, contact you in the event that we cannot make it or are running early or late, we reserve the right to cancel the appointment at any time if we cannot contact you by telephone.
We cannot guarantee that our sales can give you a “call” on the way, as it is company policy not to talk & drive, however we may not be far away from you from the previous appointment, our appointment system will remind you that we’re coming, however these are automated reminders and may not always be totally accurate.
If you are travelling any distance to meet us at an empty property, please make sure you are available to answer any calls, it’s best policy to contact us on the morning to get an update of the relevant advisors probable time of arrival.
You are the person responsible for the satisfactory completion of your appointment, we offer this booking service for your convenience, our staff will make every effort to complete your appointment within the companies policies, if we have been unable to contact you for whatever reason, you must accept responsibility for a missed appointment.
If you proceed with booking your appointment, we will understand that you have accepted the Terms & Conditions above.